White Glove Service is Our Standard of Care

ACOEM President's Award to Karen Cohen
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CHR has earned the respect of Fortune 1000 companies with expertise you can trust.
1375 Piccard Drive
Suite 275
Rockville, MD 20850
Respiratory Protection Education Program for Healthcare Workers - Available at No Charge.
Online Learning
Commercial Driver Medical Examiner Online Training via ACOEM
Spirometry, Spirometry Refresher, Respirator Fit-Testing Training Courses
Online Courses:
Spirometry Refresher
Spirometry Training
More Information:
Dr. Mary Townsend
The DOT Examiner's Most Trusted Resource! For a full listing of our books visit OEM Press.

Medlock Consulting is a physician search firm dedicated to locating, evaluating, and facilitating the placement of quality physicians in superior environments. To us, this means never taking shortcuts and always maintaining professional and personal integrity.
Nyla Medlock
Medlock Consulting
Phone 806-744-5250
Cell 806-239-NYLA(6952)
"Defining the Future of Physicians Globally"
Email Nyla
Occupational Health Connections, Inc. (OHC) is a distinguished leader in occupational and employee health staffing and recruitment. For job opportunities, please visit: OHC website
Visit Relief EHS, LLC Relief EHS is uniquely qualified to provide answers to your environmental health & safety (EHS) questions, make it easier for your business to comply with regulations, and help you achieve EHS goals while minimizing costs and potential liability.
PKB Consulting, LLC
Patricia K. Bertsche, PhD, FAAOHN -
Occupational Health & Wellness Consultant,
Leader in Global Occupational Health Program Development & Evaluation -
Email Pat
CHR Newsletter—January 2, 2020
"Thanks for a Great Year, and We Wish You All the Best in 2020."

We Are Thankful for Your Trust and Look Forward to Serving You in the Future. Happy New Year from All of Us at CHR!
Clearing the Air on Respiratory Hazards
Employers must take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for workers' protection. By identifying solutions for eliminating or reducing respiratory hazards, workplaces can take action now to prevent future harm to workers.
How to Stay Safe When Working With Chemicals
Laboratory work can be dangerous and even potentially life-threatening. To increase safety in the workplace, you need to adhere to a set of common-sense safety procedures that will help keep chemicals in their containers and workers safe from harm.
The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation
Farming is dangerous business, but when combined with sleep deprivation, the risk of injury or death is even greater. Unfortunately, since timing is so crucial when planting, harvesting, calving, or milking, getting a full night's sleep during these busy seasons is tough.
Increasing Indoor Humidity Can Protect Against the Flu
In addition to handwashing and vaccinations, you may want to consider investing in a humidifier this winter to keep the flu at bay. As the temperature drops so does the moisture in the air, which can have harmful effects on human health.
5 Occupations Most Affected by Mesothelioma
Today, despite regulations, commercial use of asbestos is not banned in the United States. Additionally, there are many instances of "legacy asbestos," where workers today interact with buildings and other structures that were built with untenable asbestos.
Standard for Dropped Objects
Injury and death rates from dropped objects continue to be a stubborn factor across all industries, and the adoption of standards specific to mitigating these injuries and deaths will be an important (and increasingly visible) part of working at height.
How Gen Z Will Lead Workers' Safety in Technology
Different generations are shaped by the environment in which they are raised. Because of their incredible capacity for connectivity, Gen Z workers will likely take a leading position in implementing a positive workplace safety culture.
Job Openings
Occupational Health Nurse CHR has a permanent part-time (three five-hour days/week) opening for an Occupational Health RN / Case Manager in Santa Rosa, CA. View more information at https://chr.com/careers/
Occupational Health Nurse
Corporate Health Resources (CHR) is seeking an Occupational Health Nurse to perform case management, arrange initial medical appointments for work-related illness/injury, and coordinate the medical surveillance program.
The job is full-time: two days/week in the Southern San Francisco area, 2 days/week in Sunnyvale, and 1 day/week in Redwood City. The company has signed a lease to consolidate all three locations in Southern San Francisco in 2020.
CEU and recertification reimbursements are available, along with an excellent benefits package. CHR is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
For more information, please contact HR@chr.com. |