Employers May Misjudge Job Applicants Based on Facebook Pages

Online postings about drinking, drugs not a good reason to eliminate applicants, researchers find

woman2_computerCompanies may be looking at the wrong things when using Facebook to screen job applicants and, as a result, could be overlooking people who would be good employees, a new study suggests.

It is common for employers to assess potential job candidates for certain personality traits, such as conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion. For the study, researchers measured these traits in 175 people and also looked at their Facebook behaviors. [Read more…]

Putting Off Retirement May Help Stave Off Alzheimer’s

Study looked at self-employed workers in France

constructionAs Americans increasingly delay retirement, a new French study indicates this scenario may have a silver lining: a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers analyzing health and insurance records of more than 429,000 self-employed workers found a 3 percent reduction in dementia risk for each extra year at the age of retirement. Workers evaluated had been retired for an average of more than 12 years, and 2.65 percent of the group had dementia. [Read more…]